Clementine Roy - "Homeostasis" - 27. ágúst

Á Akureyrarvöku laugardaginn 27. ágúst opnaði Clementine Roy sýninguna "Homeostasis"


 Clemintine Roy








 Frá opnuninni Anna R, Clemintine, Guðný Kristmanns









Kjartan og sonur










 Kjartan, Emma, sonur og Clemintine








 Clemintine og Gústaf Geir








Clementine Roy er frá París en starfandi og búsett í Berlín. Homeostasis má skýra sem jafnvægishneigð eða aðlögun. Hún segir um sýnginuna:

The subject of my oeuvre focuses on the natural world and humans’
place within it.

Through photography, video and installations, I question what
constitutes a landscape. This inquiry leads to the mixing of nature
and artificiality.

The forms discovered and the angles of view vary depending upon the
projects: photography, video, public space intervention, or

My work deals with the observation of cycles in life, impermanence, entropy.

Through incorporating elements from fiction into my work, I ask how
stories, believes, mythologies and scientific convictions influence
our behaviour. By travelling through space and time, I explore the
present, the everyday life. By looking at a collective history, I ask
about our heritage: a transmission of ideas that evolve.

Ultimately I would like to reveal our ability to dream.

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